#ElectricWomen nominations have closed

Women will revolutionize the electric vehicle sector.

Our #ElectricWomen nominations have closed! We have received 81 total nominations.

As we move towards an emissions-free future, women are playing a key role in the transportation transformation. More aware of environmental issues and more likely to believe that climate protection should have a higher priority in urban planning and transport policy, women can lead the way in shaping the future. Women Mobilize Women wants to honour the incredible successes and accomplishments these women have achieved in the shift to electric vehicles, a move vital to decarbonizing transit.

While the automotive industry remains very male-dominated, with just 20 percent of the workforce comprised of women, electric vehicles offer an opportunity to expand women’s participation from the ground level up. “We know that there are a lot of startup companies that are challenging the incumbent. If women are more visible as part of this disruptive force, it could have ripple down impacts across the sector,” Erika Myers recently noted in an episode of the TUMI Podcast (Season 2, Episode 2).

As experts in the field of e-mobility, women offer unique insights into the cultural and behavioural changes that need to occur as more people embrace full battery electric vehicles . Their perspectives on electric vehicle adoption are more apt to consider safety and user-friendliness, while enhancing the conversation on how to move transportation forward in an environmentally friendly way.

That’s why we’re keen to know who the remarkable women working in e-mobility today are as a means of promoting their incredible work and showcasing their experiences as models for the next generation of women e-mobility experts. “I think that making this technology seem less daunting, more accessible, more inviting will help encourage more women to consider shifting their career into this field. We need all of the smart people we can actually get to make this take off,” said Myers.

Winners will be announced on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2022, and featured in a special edition of the Remarkable Women in Transport Publication.



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