This publication is the result of a 2-year project on gender and mobility by LIFE Education Equality Sustainability. The brochure showcases good practice projects on gender-just mobility which have been selected by a jury of gender and mobility experts.
The good practice approaches presented here speak for themselves. The mobility transition is as diverse as the projects presented in this brochure. The projects show that the mobility transition must go beyond the goals of climate and environmental protection. Because mobility is not an end in itself, but a prerequisite for social participation. If a gender just mobility transition takes account of intersectional disadvantages, mobility can increase social participation. If social factors are not taken into account, there is a risk that measures will not be able to effectively protect the environment and climate because they are not accepted or implemented in everyday mobility. Climate and environmental protection that fails to include everyone is just as contrary to the Paris Agreement as the failure to achieve the 1.5°C target.