The Urban Leaders – Global Program 2021: empowering women through knowledge and mentoring is a Leadership Program co-created by Mujeres en Movimiento – Women in Motion (WIM) and WomenMobilizeWomen (WMW – TUMI), and supported by GIZ, AFD, CAF, Despacio and Flone Initiative. Ensuring women’s participation in the urban workforce, promoting female role models and empowering each other is at the core of the Program. In a combination of knowledge sessions and interactive mentoring this program aims to equip women with the tools, the network and the confidence to pursue their individual path in the transport sector for the long run. The first Global Urban Leaders Program was kicked off in October 2021 with 60 international transport professionals. Participants are benefitting from knowledge and skills training, as well as peer-to-peer mentoring until mid 2022.
Global Urban Leader Program